Environmental Markets Association
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Comprised of industry volunteers from all types and sizes of member companies, EMA committees work proactively for the mutual benefit of the industry. Current Committees include:
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How EMA's Committees Work Together to Deliver on EMA's Mission
Presented by Board DirectorChristian Hofer, Sol Systems, EMA Member Town Hall (May 14, 2021)
Role and Responsibilities

- an important contributor to its strength and effectiveness as a trade organization; and
- one of the most important benefits provided by the Association to its members.
EMA Committees are comprised of industry volunteers from all types and sizes of member companies, and work proactively for the mutual benefit of the industry. They ensure that diverse issues are addressed effectively by a cross section of members who have expertise and experience in the subject matter.
Those serving on EMA committees also benefit from their involvement. They are on the cutting edge of learning about government policies – usually at the developmental stage – as well as the intricacies of important industry issues and trends. EMA committee members are in an ideal position to influence the outcome on major issues. And they have a chance to interact with, and learn from, the industry’s foremost experts – their fellow committee members.
Power and Responsibilities

The EMA Board Chairperson, in turn, is guided by policies established by the membership and the Board of Directors. Committees shall conduct themselves in accordance with EMA Bylaws in Article IX – Committees:
The Board of Directors by a vote of a majority of the Directors may create one or more committees and appoint directors or such other persons as the Board designates, to serve on the committee or committees.
Section 2
Unless the appointment by the Board of Directors requires a greater number, a majority of any committee shall constitute a quorum, and a majority of committee members present and voting at a meeting at which a quorum is present is necessary for committee action. A committee may act by unanimous consent in writing without a meeting and, subject to action by the Board of Directors, the committee by a majority vote of its members shall determine the time and place of meetings and the notice required therefore.
Section 3
To the extent specified by the Board of Directors, each committee may exercise the authority of the Board of Directors under Section 108.05 of the Not for Profit Corporation Act of 1986 (the AAct@); provided, however, a committee may not:
- a) Adopt a plan for distribution of the assets of the corporation, or for dissolution;
- b) Approve or recommend to members any act the Act requires to be approved by the members;
- c) Fill vacancies on the Board or any of its committees;
- d) Elect, appoint or remove any officer or director or any member of any committee, or fix the compensation of any member of any committee;
- e) Adopt, amend, or repeal the by-laws or articles of incorporation.
- f) Adopt a plan of merger or adopt a plan of consolidation with another corporation, or authorize the sale, lease, exchange or mortgage of all or substantially all of the property or assets of the corporation; or
- g) Amend, alter or repeal or take action in consistent with any resolution or action of the Board of h)Directors when the resolution or action of the Board of Directors provides by its terms that it shall not be amended, altered or repealed by action of a committee.
- i) The Board of Directors may create and appoint persons to a commission, advisory body or other such body which may not act on behalf of the Association or bind it to any action but which may make recommendations to the Board of Directors or to the officers.
Objectives: Each EMA committee has a defined set of general objectives that has been approved by the EMA Chairman and/or Board of Directors.
Policy Recommendations: Committees are responsible for developing well-deliberated policy recommendations in alignment with the Best Practices and Principles agreed upon by EMA that represent a consensus view on issues that affect the environmental markets industry.
When Association policy is silent or unclear, or where an expenditure of funds or legal commitments from the EMA is required, the matter is referred to the Board of Directors. If the Board is not in session, such matters are referred to the Executive Committee.
Activities: EMA committees develop plans and programs for their specific areas. Such activities include developing responses and commentary with advisement on market-based solutions including presenting testimony and position papers to Congress and federal agencies on issues that pertain to the committee’s work; defining and recommending research needs, where applicable; monitoring the activities of, and interacting with, other groups and organizations whose interests coincide with those of the committee; and providing information and educational conferences for industry members.
Participation: Industry volunteers appointed to committees are expected to participate actively in the committee’s business and consistently work toward goals and objectives that benefit the membership as a whole.
Committee service carries with it the responsibility to:
- 1) be knowledgeable about pertinent background information concerning the committee’s work responsibilities;
- 2) regularly attend meetings and actively participate in the discussion;
- 3) respond to committee mailings in a timely manner; and
- 4) alert the chairperson and staff about issues that arise in which the committee should become involved. Importantly, committee members act as the chairperson’s “radar,” being alert to issues that should be addressed.
Working for the Common Good of the Industry and The Environment: In deliberating EMA positions, the committee member takes off his or her “company hat” and puts on the “Association hat.” That means committee members — while conveying the views and expertise of the company and industry sector from which they come — strive to represent the EMA’s entire membership, not individual companies. This commitment to the well-being of the Association’s membership as a whole is one of the keys to the success of the EMA’s committee system.
Committee Composition and Meetings

Committee size — ranging from three to twenty members — allows for efficient decision-making while ensuring a voice for all appropriate industry segments.
The Chairperson: The committee chairperson is appointed by the EMA chairman to serve during his or her term. In so doing, the EMA chairman delegates to each committee chairperson the responsibility for the conduct of the committee and those issues falling within its jurisdiction.
The committee chairperson is selected because of his or her expertise and leadership qualities.
Responsibilities include:
- planning, in consultation with the Executive Director and staff, the work and activities of the committee;
- developing meeting agendas;
- running committee meetings and obtaining group decisions; and
- making reports to the Board of Directors on the programs and activities of the committee, especially positions taken before Congress and the federal government.
Committee Members: Committee members also are appointed by the EMA chairman. Appointment to a committee is individual. Subject to the committee chairperson’s concurrence, a substitute may attend a committee meeting in a member’s absence, but has no vote.
Committee members are chosen for their knowledge and interest, as well as their leadership. Committee service often is a training ground for future Association leaders. A highly valued quality in the selection of a committee member is that he or she be a good listener and be considerate of other points of view. An understanding and respect for other opinions and conflicting ideas promotes open discussions and helps formulate positions that will benefit the industry as a whole.
Committee Meetings: Committees meet at the call of the chairperson at a time and place developed in coordination with the staff. The prepared agenda is cleared with the EMA executive director and Board Chairperson. After a committee meeting, minutes are written by Association staff, approved by the chairperson, cleared by the Board Chairperson, and distributed to all committee members. Except for confidential matters, agendas and minutes also are made available to any interested EMA member via the Association’s web site.
Staff Liaison

Since the staff is knowledgeable about the details and intricacies of the issues, as well as general EMA policy, it plays an important advisory role in formulating and implementing the positions established by the committees. The EMA executive director is responsible for directing the internal operating procedures of the staff related to committee activities.
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